Modeling chocolate, similarly to sugar paste, is used for decorating cakes.
Both Italian and English version
Ingredienti:100 gr di cioccolato fondente
1 cucchiaio raso di acqua naturale
2 cucchiai generosi di miele d'acacia
zucchero a Velo q.b.
Sciogliere il cioccolato a bagnomaria o al microonde.
Mescolare l'acqua ed il miele.
Sciogliere il cioccolato a bagnomaria o al microonde.
Mescolare l'acqua ed il miele.
Aggiungere il miele al cioccolato.
Mescolare energicamente ed appena ottenuto un composto omogeneo versarlo su un piano di lavoro di acciaio o di marmo, cosparso di zucchero a velo e lavorarlo fino a quando perderà almeno in parte la sua consistenza appiccicosa.Lasciare riposare almeno un’ora prima di usarlo.
Si conserva in frigorifero od in freezer.
English Version
100 gr of dark chocolate
Directions:Melt the chocolate in a double boiler or microwave. Remove the melted chocolate from microwave and stir until smooth.
Mix water and honey.
Add the honey to the chocolate and stir the mixture is thoroughly combined. It will get thicker. Pour it on a work steel surface or marble, sprinkled with powdered sugar and knead the chocolate until smooth and pliable. Let stand at least an hour before using it.
Store it in the refrigerator or freezer.
100 gr of dark chocolate
1 tbs of water
2 (generous) tbs of acacia's honey
powdered sugar q.s.
Mix water and honey.
Add the honey to the chocolate and stir the mixture is thoroughly combined. It will get thicker. Pour it on a work steel surface or marble, sprinkled with powdered sugar and knead the chocolate until smooth and pliable. Let stand at least an hour before using it.
Store it in the refrigerator or freezer.
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