Sono le 11..... Un leggero languore accompagna la mia voglia di focaccia... Alta, soffice, unta come quella che si prepara in Liguria....
Unico problema: la vorrei subito.
La ricetta l’ho presa da "Made in Italy, Food and Stories", libro di cucina italiana, in inglese, firmato da Giorgio Locatelli.
Per questa focaccia ci vuole circa 1 ora e mezza, direi che posso resistere.
Recipe is from book "Made in Italy, Food and Stories", italian cookbook from chef Giorgio Locatelli.
To prepare it I need just 1 hour and a half. I think I can endure hunger....
Both Italian and English version
per l’impasto
250 gr. farina manitoba
250 gr. farina 00
15 gr. lievito di birra fresco
225 gr. acqua a 20°C - io ne ho messa 300 gr. ottenendo l’impasto morbido e appiccicoso
2 cucchiai di olio d’oliva extravergine
10 gr. sale
per la salamoia
65 gr. acqua a 20°C
65 gr. olio d’oliva extravergine
25 gr. sale - io ne ho messi 17 gr.
Importante: non impastare con le mani ma con un cucchiaio velocemente.
In una ciotola capiente, versare le farine e il sale, versare al centro l’olio e il lievito sciolto nell’acqua.
Mescolare bene il tutto con un cucchiaio, poi ungere la superficie dell’impasto con poco olio e lasciar lievitare, coprendo la ciotola con un panno, per 10 minuti.
Nel frattempo mescolare tutti gli ingredienti della salamoia e farli emulsionare, con una forchetta fino a ottenere un liquido cremoso e omogeneo.
Ungere una teglia da forno (io l’ho rivestita con carta forno), versare l’impasto, e stenderlo con le mani leggermente unte. Lasciar riposare per altri 20 minuti.

Trascorsi i 20 minuti, formare con la punta delle dita tanti solchi sulla superficie dell’impasto.

Rimescolare la salamoia e versarla tutta sulla focaccia, riempiendo tutti i solchi. Lasciar riposare di nuovo per 20 minuti.
Infornare in forno già caldo a 220°C e cuocere per 25-30 minuti, finché la focaccia non ha una crosta dorata.
Sfornare e lasciare intiepidire prima di servire.
English version
for the dough
250 gr. all purpose flour
250 gr. strong white bread flour
4 g dry yeast (or 15 g fresh yeast)
1 tablespoon honey (only if using dry yeast)
300 gr. water, at room temperature/20°C (Locatelli says 225 ml but it is not enough)
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
10 gr. salt
for the brine (salamoia)
65 gr. water (at room temperature)
65g extra-virgin olive oil
15- 18 gr. salt (25g in the original recipe)
In a small bowl dissolve yeast and honey in part of the total water and let rest for few minutes. In the meantime mix the flours and salt in a big bowl and pour in the 2 tablespoons olive oil. Pour the yeast mixture in the big bowl and mix with a fork, then gradually add the rest of the water until you have a smooth but sticky mixture (the quantity of water will depend on the flour used and room conditions). Don't over mix! Dough should be of very soft consistency. Rub the surface with some oil and leave to rest for 10 minutes, covered with a damp cloth.
Make the brine: whisk all the ingredients together until they emulsify.
Oil a large baking tray (I use a 25x35cm baking tray) and transfer the dough to it, then rub the surface with a little more oil. Leave for another 10 minutes, always covered with a damp cloth.
With the tips of fingers, oiled, roll the dough to cover the whole baking tray. Use a light touch so as not to break the bubbles that have developed in the dough. Leave for another 20 to 30 minutes during which time the dough will double in size. in the meantime preheat oven to 200°C.
With your oiled fingertips make deep dimples in the dough, taking care not to go all the way through. Whisk again the brine, then pour it over the surface and into all of the holes. Leave for 20 minutes more.
Bake for 25-30 minutes or until golden, then let cool on a wire rack. For a more crusty surface, turn on the oven fan during the last five minutes.
Before baking it is possible to garnish the focaccia with a topping of your choice: pitted olives, cherry tomatoes, onion, rosemary sprigs.
Make the brine: whisk all the ingredients together until they emulsify.
Oil a large baking tray (I use a 25x35cm baking tray) and transfer the dough to it, then rub the surface with a little more oil. Leave for another 10 minutes, always covered with a damp cloth.
With the tips of fingers, oiled, roll the dough to cover the whole baking tray. Use a light touch so as not to break the bubbles that have developed in the dough. Leave for another 20 to 30 minutes during which time the dough will double in size. in the meantime preheat oven to 200°C.
With your oiled fingertips make deep dimples in the dough, taking care not to go all the way through. Whisk again the brine, then pour it over the surface and into all of the holes. Leave for 20 minutes more.
Bake for 25-30 minutes or until golden, then let cool on a wire rack. For a more crusty surface, turn on the oven fan during the last five minutes.
Before baking it is possible to garnish the focaccia with a topping of your choice: pitted olives, cherry tomatoes, onion, rosemary sprigs.
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