Both Italian and English version
zucchero (pari peso delle sole scorze)
Tagliare le arance a spicchi. Togliere la polpa lasciando la parte bianca. Tagliare la scorza a striscioline di circa mezzo centimetro. Pesare le scorze ottenute. Mettere le scorze in una pentola e ricoprire d'acqua fredda. Far bollire. Ripetere l'operazione 3 volte, per eliminare l'amaro dalle scorze.
Mettere le scorze nella pentola aggiungete pari peso di zucchero e 2 cucchiai di acqua. Portare a bollore e abbassare il fuoco al minimo. Cuocere per circa 15 minuti, fino a quando la scorza si sarà intenerita. Scolare le fette e trasferirle su carta forno. Lasciare raffreddare ed asciugare. Si possono ricoprire con zucchero o lasciare al naturale. Si conservano in barattoli a chiusura ermetica.
English version
Cut oranges slice lenghtwise. remove orange zest in strips (leaving white pith behind); Slice into matchsticks (0,5 cm). Weigh orange zests. Put them in a saucepan, cover with cold water and bring to boil. Repeat with new cold water thrice (to eliminate the bitterness of the zest). Put again zests in the saucepan. Add the same weight of sugare respect orange zest. Add 2 tbsp of water on sugar. Bring to boil. Reduce heat to low. Cook until zest is soft, about 15 minutes. With a slotted spoon, transfer zest to a baking sheet. Let cool and dry. You can eat now natural or tossed with sugar. Zest can be stored up to in an airtight container at room temperature.
Cut oranges slice lenghtwise. remove orange zest in strips (leaving white pith behind); Slice into matchsticks (0,5 cm). Weigh orange zests. Put them in a saucepan, cover with cold water and bring to boil. Repeat with new cold water thrice (to eliminate the bitterness of the zest). Put again zests in the saucepan. Add the same weight of sugare respect orange zest. Add 2 tbsp of water on sugar. Bring to boil. Reduce heat to low. Cook until zest is soft, about 15 minutes. With a slotted spoon, transfer zest to a baking sheet. Let cool and dry. You can eat now natural or tossed with sugar. Zest can be stored up to in an airtight container at room temperature.
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